Concrete is mixture of cement, sand, gravel, and water. You can buy concrete either pre-mixed in liquid form, delivered via cement mixer truck and poured in large quantities directly where you want it, or in dry form—up to 80-pound bags—from the big-box stores. Delivery of pre-mixed concrete is great for poured foundations and large driveways but isn’t nearly as convenient as mixing small quantities of dry concrete with water at your own convenience.
There are lots of different types of concrete work you may need to do on a renovation, from little stuff (repair cracks, your deck footers, build a driveway or porch) and everything in between.
While some cement tasks consist of the basic concrete material and the labor to apply and mold the concrete, other jobs involve a lot of associated tasks. For example, pouring a new concrete driveway, while a and creating molds, so, while it may be easy to determine the labor and materials pricing for the concrete portion of the job, you’ll often need to consider other related tasks and materials as well.
Because there are so many variations on concrete work, from the very big jobs of pouring a foundation, building a porch, or installing a drive way, to the small jobs including fixing cracks in a sidewalk or installing a deck footer, I just can’t cover every concrete task in this section. But I do want to provide some general pricing guidelines for both large and small concrete jobs.
For large jobs, you’ll buy concrete from a supplier who will deliver and pour the liquid concrete from their cement truck. Concrete is purchased by the cubic yard. For small jobs, you’ll buy bags of dry concrete from the big-box stores, mix it with water in batch sizes as needed, and use at your convenience, for medium sized projects, many concrete contractors will have a portable cement mixer that can hold several bags of dry concrete mix and water. This will allow you to do large concrete jobs without the overhead of having the concrete delivered by truck.